Recent News
This is formally introduce to you the African Opthalmology Council AOC Leadership Development Program Class (LDP 2 2019 Anglophone and Lusophone Section) . This class the second of its series if in conjunction with
the International Council of Opthalmology (ICO) which is aimed at equiping Opthalmologists Nominated by their National Eye Societies with personal and organizational Orientation, and skill development to be future leaders of Regional and National Eye Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Kindly help us circulate these attached nominated forms to the National Eye Societies you belong.
Note that there are Limited slots and the earlier your National Societies sends it Nominations the better. We will subsequently send more information needed.
09 March, 2017
4th Annual COECSA Scientific Congress
On behalf of the Tanzania Ophthalmological Society and the 2016 COECSA scientific congress organizing committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to the 4th COECSA Scientific congress to be held at Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania from August 25-26, 2016.
The congress theme is "Eye Care Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Countries." The congress will take place in Arusha, Tanzania. The congress includes parallel ophthalmic clinical officers ophthalmic nurses and optometrist sessions and community sub specialty events.
Early-bird registration deadline: February 29, 2016
Final abstract submission: June 30, 2016
Notification of acceptance of abstract: July 15, 2016
Program on website: July 29, 2016
Submit abstracts to:
08 June, 2016
IAPB 10GA E-blast: What to expect from 10GA? Boateng Wiafe
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IAPB 10th General Assembly
Bo Wiafe at the 9GA
Bo Wiafe at the 9GA in Hyderabad, India / Photo credit: IAPB
What to expect from 10GA?
Boateng Wiafe, Director for Quality and Advocacy, Operation Eyesight on how he found the 9GA useful and his plans for 10GA. Dr. Wiafe writes about his experience at 9GA (in Hyderabad, 2012) and what he expects to find at the 10GA next year. Did you know, IAPB's General Assembly is coming back to Africa after nearly 25 years? Bo was a delegate at the '4GA' (Kenya, 1990) too!
Read more on the 10GA blog
10GA is now accepting Abstract submissions for free paper and poster presentations.
Early Bird registrations are also live.
Dr. Maria Hagan at the 9GA
Hotels for 10GA
We've made a list of hotels that offer a special rate for 10GA delegates. The list includes 5 star to 3 star hotels and bed and breakfasts.
See the list of hotels here
A speaker at the 9GA
Getting a visa
Find out if you need a visa for South Africa. If you do need a visa, see the list of documents required and all relevant information - in one place.
Read more
Tours around Durban
Durban Tours
Durban is a natural paradise known for its gorgeous coastline of sunny beaches and subtropical climate.
A list of 4-hour to 12-hour tours around Durban.
See the tours
Flights to Durban
Flights 10GA
Delegates attending IAPB’s 10 GA can benefit from special rates provided by the Airline Partners of the IAPB 10 GA - Emirates and South African Airways.
Read more
10GA Exhbitor info
Exhibitor Info
The 10GA will have excellent networking opportunities for NGOs, manufacturers and distributors. Just the right event to showcase your products and services.
06 January, 2016
Congrats Dr Legodi, ICO's NEW VICE PRESIDENT 2016-2018

The African Ophthalmology Council (AOC) wishes to formally congratulate our very own Dr. Kgaogelo Legodi, MD on his new appointment of International Council of Ophthalmology vice president for 2016-2018.
Dr Eddie Kgao Legodi, South Africa is the president elect of the African Ophthalmology Council (AOC). The entire AOC felicitates with Dr. Legodi on this appointment.
Dr. Eddie Legodi and Dr. Neeru Gupta were both elected into the vice-presidency of the ICO and to assume office after the WOC 2016.
06 January, 2016